Monastic Life

A treasury of information about the joys and challenges of life as a Buddhist monastic.

Access Vinaya Teachings

If you’re a Buddhist monastic who would like to watch Venerable Thubten Chodron’s Vinaya teachings, send in a request via our contact form here. Please provide information on your level and length of ordination and the name of your preceptor.


A Nun's Life

What’s it like to be a Buddhist nun? Venerable Thubten Chodron and other nuns share about their lives.


Becoming a Monastic

Monastics offer advice on what aspirants can do to prepare for ordination.


Explore Monastic Life

Teachings from the annual Exploring Monastic Life program at Sravasti Abbey.


Full Ordination for Nuns

Learn about why full ordination for women matters and different perspectives on how it can be revived.


Living in Community

How monastic community life supports living in the precepts and brings other benefits.


Western Monastics

Learn about the history and unique situation of Western Buddhist monastics.


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A Buddhist nun bowing on a bowing cushion.

Monastic Mind Motivation

Commentary on the "Monastic Mind Motivation" prayer that is recited at the end of the daily morning practice at Sravasti Abbey.

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Venerable Thubten Chodron with monastics at Lama Tsongkhapa Institute in Pomaia, Italy.

Monastic Teachings (Italy 2017)

Teachings given to monastics at Istituto Lama Tzong Khapa in Pomaia, Italy.

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All Posts in Monastic Life

Becoming a Monastic

Great vehicle driver’s ed

Ajahn Kovilo, Ajahn Nisabho, and Ayyā Ahiṃsā interview Venerable Chodron about her decades of experience…

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Buddhist nun making an offering to her teacher.
A Nun's Life

Women in Buddhism

A discussion on the status of nuns in the Buddhist community.

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Living in Community

What if the Buddha were a lay woman?

Questions from the Hamburg Dharma College about Venerable Thubten Chodron's personal practice, monastic life, and…

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Group of people sitting in a crowded auditorium watching a presentation on a large screen.
Monastic Life

The 18th Sakyadhita conference

The 18th Sakyadhita Conference took place in Seoul, Korea, June 23–27, 2023. I did not…

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Exploring Monastic Life 2023

Confession prayer part 3

The conclusion of a multi-part teaching on the General Confession Prayer.

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Exploring Monastic Life 2023

Faith and virtue

The different types of faith, five types of virtue, and Tsongkhapa’s secret advice.

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Exploring Monastic Life 2023

Ordination for women across traditions part 2

Q&A about Venerable Chodron's experience as a woman in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition continues.

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Exploring Monastic Life 2023

Ordination for women across traditions part 1

Q&A about Venerable Chodron's experience as a woman in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition.

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