
Compassion is the wish for sentient beings to be free from suffering and its causes. Posts include teachings and meditations on how to develop and increase compassion.

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Someone's hand holding a lotus candle with light in a dark place.
On Love, Compassion, and Bodhicitta

Love, compassion, peace

Common threads of many religious traditions including Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, and Buddhism.

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The word 'compassion' engraved into silver metal.
On Self-Worth

Having compassion for yourself

Even in a difficult environment, making changes in one's life for the better will benefit…

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A woman meditating on a rock by the seaside during sunset.
On Cultivating Wisdom

Keeping balance

Necessity for cultivating kindness and compassion for others in addition to practicing meditation.

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Neon sign of the word belief with lie highlighted.
On Cultivating Wisdom

Beliefs turned on their head

An incarcerated person finds that his attachment to the traditional cultural beliefs he grew up…

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Man with head resting on hand, in contemplation.
By Incarcerated People

Learning to find inner peace

A person in prison shares his thoughts on keeping up hope in a difficult environment.

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The word: Punish written on a wall.
Prison Dharma

Working with Buddhists behind bars

Overcoming fear and the judgmental mind to reach sentient beings in prison.

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Prison cell window that has light pentrating through, surroundings are in darkness.
Prison Dharma

The Dalai Lama on prison life

His Holiness talks about how to generate compassion for incarcerated people and the need for…

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Venerable Chodron giving mani pills to a retreatant.
Three Principal Aspects of the Path

Great compassion

Just as love is the thought that we want all beings to have happiness, so…

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Venerable Jampa, smiling and talking to retreatants during group discussion.
Three Principal Aspects of the Path

Heart-warming love

It is possible to see all beings, whether they are friends, enemies, or strangers, as…

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Venerable Chodron shares the story of the prayer wheel with the children at UU.
For Young People

A Buddhist nun in high school

Questions and answers from students about Buddhism and monastic life.

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Boys at the morning prayer in a monastic school in Myanmar.
New to Buddhism

Advice for newcomers to the Dharma

Tips on how to act in Dharma centers. Figuring out what to study and practice.…

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