
Compassion is the wish for sentient beings to be free from suffering and its causes. Posts include teachings and meditations on how to develop and increase compassion.

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A cartoon drawing of a person in jail clothes(black and white stripes) trap inside bars surrounded by the words:Fear, Anger, Pain, Innocent, Shame and Trust.
Prison Dharma

Prison Dharma

Reflections on visiting incarcerated people to share the Dharma in prisons throughout the United States

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Parents and their two young children have fun in the snow at Sravasti Abbey.
Family and Friends

Communication and understanding conflict styles

People deal with conflict differently, and it is helpful to know and understand what's really…

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Parents and their two young children have fun in the snow at Sravasti Abbey.
Family and Friends

Wanting to fix others

How looking at our problems and addressing them is more beneficial than trying to fix…

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Thangka con la imagen de Lama Tsongkhapa.
Three Principal Aspects of the Path

The Three Principal Aspects of the Path

Verses on the essence of the path to awakening by Je Tsongkhapa, the founder of…

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A peace sign made of flowers over the 'Imagine' John Lennon memorial in Central Park.
Transforming War and Terrorism

Peace and justice after September 11

Dealing with fear and moving forward with compassion after the September 11, 2001 attacks on…

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2 young girls holding hands together, walking in a field.
For Young People

Good friendships

How to develop characteristics and qualities that make us a better friend.

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Three people dragging dead wood out of the forest
Ethics in the Modern World

Practical ethics

Buddhist views on various forms of killing, ethical behavior in sexual relationships, and on changing…

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Venerable Chodron giving a talk Drepung Loseling Monastery.
Monastic Life

Traditions of Buddhism

Common ground underlying the diverse expressions of the Buddha’s teachings.

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Photo of woman lying in bed, looking sad.
Fear, Anxiety, and Other Emotions

Dealing with depression

How putting our life into perspective through spiritual practice can help with depression.

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Venerable Tarpa in a group discussion at the Abbey.
Working with Emotions

Buddhism and therapy

Bringing the Dharma into the practice of Western psychotherapy.

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