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Essence of Refined Gold

Cultivating the correct view

An in-depth look at how we apprehend objects, including the self, and how we can…

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Purple flowers blossom in a bunch.
Short Verses to Cultivate Bodhicitta

Verses review: The Buddhist view

The importance of making our lives more meaningful, not taking our lives for granted, and…

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Purple flowers blossom in a bunch.
Short Verses to Cultivate Bodhicitta

Verse 8: The seat of enlightenment

Reaffirming our bodhicitta when sitting down, wishing that all beings come to the place in…

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Young Adults Explore Buddhism 2008

Creating a happier future

How to live in a virtuous way and broaden our worldview so as to create…

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Purple flowers blossom in a bunch.
Short Verses to Cultivate Bodhicitta

Verse 7: Secured by the root of virtue

How the virtue we create secures us for good rebirths, liberation, and in this very…

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Essence of Refined Gold

The object of negation

The importance of correctly identifying the object of negation to refute inherent existence.

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Essence of Refined Gold

Respecting the views of others

Respecting the views and ideas of others as part of the Buddhist path.

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Essence of Refined Gold

Realizing things as they are

If you are looking for an elephant, you need to know what an elephant looks…

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Purple flowers blossom in a bunch.
Short Verses to Cultivate Bodhicitta

Verse 6-2: Consideration for others

Abandoning negativities out of care, affection, consideration, and an awareness of how our actions impact…

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