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Short Verses to Cultivate Bodhicitta

Verse 27: Empty containers

Transforming the appearance of an empty container into the wish that all beings be empty…

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Short Verses to Cultivate Bodhicitta

Verse 26-3: Reducing jealousy and anger

Reducing anger and jealousy by imagining all other sentient beings being filled with good qualities.

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Seven-point Mind Training

The disadvantages of cyclic existence: Part 1

Introduction to the fourth preliminary practice, the six disadvantages of cyclic existence, with an in-depth…

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Seven-point Mind Training

Karma, samsara, and dukkha

A comprehensive teaching on the intricate interplay of karma and its myriad manifestations of results.…

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Seven-point Mind Training

The four types of karmic results

The four types of ripening created from karmic results include our habits, where we are…

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Fear, Anxiety, and Other Emotions

Doubting one’s capabilities

Doubting our own capabilities brings a lot of useless anxiety. What we don't know, we…

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Fear, Anxiety, and Other Emotions

Fear of being disliked

Attachment to reputation brings a lot of suffering. Being able to own up to our…

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Fear, Anxiety, and Other Emotions

Antidotes to the fear of separation

Parting from those we love is inevitable. Sending our loved ones on with love eases…

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Fear, Anxiety, and Other Emotions

Fear of separation from loved ones

Attachment to those we love causes fear and anxiety about separating from them, and actually…

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Seven-point Mind Training

The weight of karmic actions

The heaviness or lightness of our karmic actions are determined by five factors. We look…

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