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Teachings by Geshe Sopa

Chapter 6: Verses 8-21

An explanation of anger as an enemy and the special quality of patience. Teaching the…

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Teachings by Geshe Sopa

Chapter 6: Verses 1-7

A teaching on the harmfulness of anger and hatred; tracing the arising of anger.

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Seven-point Mind Training

Review: Karma

Review of the third of the four preliminary practices, karma. Includes review of the four…

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Seven-point Mind Training

Review: Death and impermanence

Review session on the second of the four preliminary practices, the impermanence of all things…

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Shantideva Teachings in Singapore

Chapter 4: Verses 17-26

Transforming our motivation for daily life and the importance of creating virtue while we have…

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Shantideva Teachings in Singapore

Chapter 4: Verses 1-8

A review of chapters 1-3, and how the true purpose of our life is to…

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Seven-point Mind Training

Review: Our precious human life

Beginning review section of the preliminary four preliminary practices. Explores the first preliminary practice, the…

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