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Seven-point Mind Training

The kindness of others

Recognizing the kindness of others and seeing them as something to be cherished.

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Fear, Anxiety, and Other Emotions


We can feel overwhelmed by events or we can feel enthusiastic to solve them. Much…

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Seven-point Mind Training

Review: Equalizing and exchanging self and others

A review of the practices of cultivating equanimity and equalizing and exchanging self and others.

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Venerable Chodron teaching the Dharma and smiling very happily.
Qualities of a Spiritual Teacher

Finding our spiritual guide

Why we need a spiritual mentor, the qualities to look for, and how to go…

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Seven-point Mind Training

Advantages of cherishing others

The advantages of cherishing others, what it means to cherish others, and how to view…

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Seven-point Mind Training

The effects of self-centeredness

How the self-centered attitude is not who we are, and how not to confuse it…

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Teachings by Geshe Sopa

Chapter 6: Verses 31-45

Contemplating precious human life and the third kind of patience—the patience of not retaliating

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Teachings by Geshe Sopa

Chapter 6: Verses 22-31

Grasping at a self that doesn't exist; one's own egotistic view is one's real enemy.

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