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Refuge Ngöndro

Refuge meditation topics

How reflecting on the qualities of the Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha can enhance one's meditation…

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Refuge Ngöndro

Sangha refuge

How to receive the qualities of the Sangha as part of the preliminary practice (ngöndro)…

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Refuge Ngöndro

Dharma refuge

How to purify wrong views about the Buddha's teachings when engaging in the preliminary practice…

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Refuge Ngöndro

Purifying our negativities

How to use the preliminary practice (ngöndro) of taking refuge to purify our negativities.

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Stages of the Path in the Guru Puja

How to see the guru

How to purify our relationship with our spiritual mentors when engaging in the preliminary practice…

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Refuge Ngöndro

Visualizing sentient beings

How to visualize other sentient beings as part of the preliminary practice (ngöndro) of taking…

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Stages of the Path in the Guru Puja

Visualizing the Three Jewels

How to visualize the Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha as part of the preliminary practice (ngöndro)…

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Seven-point Mind Training

Review: Transforming adversity

A review of recent talks on the taking and giving meditation and transforming adversity into…

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Refuge Ngöndro

Visualizing the Buddha

Commentary on a verse from the Lama Chӧpa Jorchӧ Puja on how to visualize the…

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Refuge Ngöndro

Visualizing the merit field

How to visualize the merit field of holy beings as part of the preliminary practice…

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Venerable Chodron meditating.
Buddhist Worldview

Commentary on the Heart Sutra

Commentary on the Heart Sutra and how it outlines the five paths that culminate in…

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Venerable Chodron meditating.
Buddhist Worldview

Appreciating the opportunity to practice

Sharing from discussion groups about what we take for granted, what to prioritize in our…

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