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Stages of the Path in the Guru Puja

Questions about idle talk

Why idle talk (gossip) is said to be the least destructive of the nonvirtues of…

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Stages of the Path in the Guru Puja

The 10 non-virtues: 3 of mind

From the ten non-virtues the three of the mind are really difficult to detect and…

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Seven-point Mind Training

Transforming adversity into the path

Practical ways to practice mind training, looking at problems as opportunities to practice.

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Stages of the Path in the Guru Puja

The 10 non-virtues: Harsh speech

The many ways we can use harsh speech and examining the habit patterns of our…

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Stages of the Path in the Guru Puja

The 10 non-virtues: Disharmonious speech

A look at divisive speech and how the motivation behind creating disharmony is often jealousy.…

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Stages of the Path in the Guru Puja

The 10 non-virtues: Lying

Lying is a complex of trying to hide something and saying the untruth. It has…

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Stages of the Path in the Guru Puja

The 10 non-virtues: 3 of body

A description of the three harmful actions of body and the connection to karma.

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Stages of the Path in the Guru Puja

The four general characteristics of karma

Observing cause and effect helps to understand the development of positive and negative results.

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Seven-point Mind Training

Taking and giving meditation

Practical ways to use love and compassion for others when afflictions arise in daily life.

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Refuge Ngöndro

Refuge advice

In preparation for retreat: how to recite the mantra to take refuge in the guru,…

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Refuge Ngöndro

More refuge meditation topics

Examining one's doubts with honesty while taking refuge can enhance the meditation practice.

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