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Green Tara Winter Retreat 2009-2010

Dharma protector practices

Words of advice regarding Dharma protector practice, reminding us that the spirit of Buddhism is…

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Green Tara Winter Retreat 2009-2010

Deity practice

An explanation of the difference between self-generation and front-generation, as well as an answer to…

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Green Tara Winter Retreat 2009-2010

Emptiness and non-duality

The perception of emptiness is non-dual, without the experience of subject and object.

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Green Tara Winter Retreat 2009-2010

Emptiness and worldly appearances

Emptiness is not simply another quality of a sense object, like color or shape, but…

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Green Tara Winter Retreat 2009-2010

Emptiness as the nature of phenomena

When anything exists, from the moment it exists, it is empty of inherent existence.

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Green Tara Winter Retreat 2009-2010

Emptiness feels so solid

Emptiness, sometimes mistakenly thought of something that exists solidly, is actually a non-affirming negation, a…

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Green Tara Winter Retreat 2009-2010

Buddha nature and omniscient mind

What buddha nature means; It doesn't mean that we're already buddhas. A continuing explanation of…

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Green Tara Winter Retreat 2009-2010

The pitfalls of perfectionism

Developing conviction in the Dharma teachings and how to approach the Dharma in a constructive…

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Green Tara Winter Retreat 2009-2010

Tara’s wisdom

Further explanations of doing the Tara sadhana and what different sections mean. The various kinds…

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Seven-point Mind Training

The precepts of mind training

How we tend to view others as objects or commodities for our own happiness rather…

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