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Green Tara Winter Retreat 2009-2010

Dealing with difficult people

We can change our way of relating to people we find difficult by considering that…

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Seven-point Mind Training

Virtuous activities and thoughts

How we should not cease doing virtuous activities of body, speech and mind and why…

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Green Tara Winter Retreat 2009-2010

Reasonable self-evaluation

We can learn to evaluate ourselves by examining our motivations and actions so that we…

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Green Tara Winter Retreat 2009-2010

Praise and criticism

If criticism is valid, why get angry? We can simply admit our mistakes and do…

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Green Tara Winter Retreat 2009-2010

Attachment to reputation

Attachment to reputation and anger at criticism go hand in hand. In meditation we need…

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Green Tara Winter Retreat 2009-2010

Thinking about emptiness

The wisdom realizing emptiness has the ability to cut the root of suffering once and…

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Green Tara Winter Retreat 2009-2010

Making decisions

Are chocolate brownies inherently delicious? An analysis of the grasping nature of our minds.

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Green Tara Winter Retreat 2009-2010

Questioning our perceptions

An explanation of how emptiness and dependent arising do not contradict each other.

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Seven-point Mind Training

Cultivating compassion

Creating conditions beneficial to practice, cultivating compassion without bias, and intellectual versus emotional compassion.

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Green Tara Winter Retreat 2009-2010

Negating inherent existence

The lack of inherent existence does not mean the same as non-existence. While things do…

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Green Tara Winter Retreat 2009-2010

Independent and dependent existence

The contrast between independent and dependent existence, and an explanation of the difference between permanent…

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