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Green Tara Winter Retreat 2009-2010

Awareness of emptiness

The awareness of emptiness achieved during meditation can be strengthened by developing our concentration.

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Green Tara Winter Retreat 2009-2010

Distrust of false appearances

When we meditate on emptiness and begin to distrust the false appearance of inherent existence,…

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Green Tara Winter Retreat 2009-2010

Visualizing the object of meditation

How to visualize Tara during concentration, or shamatha, meditation, both front-generation and self-generation.

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Green Tara Winter Retreat 2009-2010

Fortitude and joyous effort

The importance of enthusiasm and perseverance in retreat and practice. Change comes slowly, but it…

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Seven-point Mind Training

Restricting the environment

The benefit of restricting the environment and keeping some distance from the objects that give…

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Green Tara Winter Retreat 2009-2010

Commentary on a request to Tara

The qualities we need to cultivate so that everyone whom we come into contact with…

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Green Tara Winter Retreat 2009-2010

Why Buddha is a reliable refuge

Why the Buddha is a reliable refuge and the benefit of deepening one's sense of…

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Green Tara Winter Retreat 2009-2010

Cultivating contentment

How to practice contentment. Letting go of craving and seeing that what we have is…

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Green Tara Winter Retreat 2009-2010

Being dispassionate toward perception

The benefit of being dispassionate toward sense pleasures and material things.

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Green Tara Winter Retreat 2009-2010

Fearlessness and refuge

The Buddha cannot remove our fears for us but has provided the road map that…

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Green Tara Winter Retreat 2009-2010

Stressed out

Examining the mind when feeling stressed out: working with the mind and one's circumstances.

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Seven-point Mind Training

Review: Precepts of mind training

How we can apply the mind training slogans during our daily activities and interactions.

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