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Buddhist Tenet Systems

The two truths and karma

The relationship of the two truths and two different ways of understanding karma.

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Buddhist Tenet Systems

Introduction to the two truths

An introduction to the concept of the two truths and its role in Buddhist teachings…

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Green Tara Winter Retreat 2009-2010

Rejoicing in the Tara retreat

Rejoicing in retreat and words of advice on taking what was learned during retreat into…

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Seven-point Mind Training

What ignorance is

Recognizing what ignorance is and why it is important to identify the object of negation…

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Green Tara Winter Retreat 2009-2010

Buddhist day of miracles

An explanation of what the Buddhist Day of Miracles is and how to observe it.

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Green Tara Winter Retreat 2009-2010

Receiving praise: The bodhisattva vows

The benefit of praising others and how to receive praise in accordance with the Bodhisattva…

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Seven-point Mind Training

Cultivating ultimate bodhicitta

The difference between definitive and interpretable teachings and the method for negating a gross misconception…

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Green Tara Winter Retreat 2009-2010

Mutual dependence in generosity

Examples of mutual dependency: in an act of generosity, the agent, action, object and recipient…

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Green Tara Winter Retreat 2009-2010

Mutual dependence

Examining how things arise in mutual dependence on each other is another way of understanding…

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Green Tara Winter Retreat 2009-2010

Deluded thinking and labeling

There are three criteria to use to judge whether something exists conventionally, i.e., whether it…

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