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Stages of the Path in the Guru Puja

Six root afflictions: Doubt

The difference between curiosity and doubt and how both influence our practice.

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The Importance of Motivation

A kind heart as our motivation

Cultivating a kind heart as the primary motivation and purpose of our Dharma practice.

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Stages of the Path in the Guru Puja

Six root afflictions: Ignorance

An explanation of two primary kinds of ignorance and how both cause us problems.

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Seven-point Mind Training

Basis of designation

How both faith and wisdom are needed to make progress on the path and how…

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Buddhist Tenet Systems

The two truths: Conclusion

The debate between Tsongkhapa and Bhavaviveka and Tsongkhapa's interpretation of Chandrakirti.

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Buddhist Tenet Systems

The two truths: The Svatantrika view

A theatrical portrayal of Bhavaviveka elucidates the views of the Svatantrika Madhyamaka, or Middle Way…

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Buddhist Tenet Systems

The two truths: The Sautrantika view

An in-depth look at the Sautrantika system (one of the four tenets).

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Buddhist Tenet Systems

The two truths and dependent arising

Buddha nature in the sutras, the compatibility of dependent arising and emptiness, and the Sautrantika…

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Buddhist Tenet Systems

The two truths and different tenets

The Vaibhashika (one of the four tenet schools) view of the two truths.

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Buddhist Tenet Systems

The two truths and Tibetan philosophy

Tsongkhapa's presentation of the two truths changed Tibetan Buddhist philosophy, emphasizing the need to strive…

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