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Stages of the Path in the Guru Puja

Conventional and clear light mind

A teaching on the reasons why the afflictions can be eliminated, that the mind is…

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Seven-point Mind Training

Ultimate and conventional existence

How the mind grasps at a truly existing "I," and how ultimate analysis or probing…

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Seven-point Mind Training

Selflessness, karma, and rebirth

A discussion about the different philosophical tenet systems, whether they all aim for buddhahood, how…

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Stages of the Path in the Guru Puja

Six root afflictions: View of the extremes

A discussion of the two extreme views (absolutism and nihilism) and how they influence our…

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Stages of the Path in the Guru Puja

Six root afflictions: Conceit and humility

Two more kinds of conceit and how they are undermined by introspective awareness and gratitude…

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Seven-point Mind Training

Tenet schools and selflessness

A continued explanation of selflessness according to the four philosophical tenet schools and their views…

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Stages of the Path in the Guru Puja

Six root afflictions: Conceit and comparing

Comparing ourselves to others leads to conceit whereas accepting ourselves is a solid foundation for…

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Stages of the Path in the Guru Puja

Six root afflictions: Recognizing doubt

Methods for recognizing doubt and the importance of using our intelligence to investigate.

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