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A Presentation of the Establishment of Mindfulness

Six types of breathing meditation

Want to know more about breathing meditation? What are the different types of breathing meditation?

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A Presentation of the Establishment of Mindfulness

Preparatory practices for establishing mindfulness

The importance of mindfulness in maintaining ethical conduct, and in developing concentration and wisdom.

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A single white turkey on a tree with pink flowers.
Responding to Prejudice

Seeing the kindness of others

Remembering how we rely on other sentient beings for everything we know and everything we…

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A single white turkey on a tree with pink flowers.
Responding to Prejudice

Friend, enemy and stranger

Investigating how people become friends, enemies, and strangers; how the categories depend on our own…

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A single white turkey on a tree with pink flowers.
Responding to Prejudice

Look into your own mind

We should be careful when we want to judge others—especially based on religious views—and look…

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Working with Emotions

Intolerance: Look Into Your Own Mind

We must overcome our own habits of intolerance and prejudice before we can help others.

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A single white turkey on a tree with pink flowers.
Responding to Prejudice

Hate is not conquered by hate

When we see a fault in others we should turn the mirror on ourselves, and…

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Seven-point Mind Training

Review: Ignorance and tenet systems

A review of the section on cultivating the awakening mind, including what ignorance is, avoiding…

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