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A Presentation of the Establishment of Mindfulness

Feelings dominate our reactivity

Dominated by reactivity to our feelings, we cling to desirable objects and cling to wrong…

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Teachings by Khensur Wangdak Rinpoche

Generating regret

Need to deep regret for the negative actions committed, reviewing the details, without delays by…

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A Presentation of the Establishment of Mindfulness

How feelings create dukkha

Becoming aware of how our lives revolve around feelings of pleasant, unpleasant and neutral helps…

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Teachings by Khensur Wangdak Rinpoche

Four opponent powers

How to apply four powers for generating regret for the negative actions in order to…

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Buddhist Worldview

The three characteristics

Understanding the three characteristics of cyclic existence can help us to see things more realistically.

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Shantideva Teachings in Singapore

Chapter 5: Verses 34-54

Advice on developing mindfulness and introspective awareness by "remaining still like a piece of wood."

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By Prison Volunteers

Dedication for a meaningful life

This talk is dedicated to the purpose and meaning of the life of Don Wackerly…

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