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White Tara Winter Retreat 2010-11

Activities of wrath

The symbolism of the Lord of Death and an explanation of the wrathful activities mentioned…

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White Tara Winter Retreat 2010-11

The four immeasurables

An explanation of the prayer of the four immeasurables that is included in the White…

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White Tara Winter Retreat 2010-11

Mantras and symbols

Answers to questions on mantra, the White Tara sadhana, and the symbolism of White Tara's…

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A Presentation of the Establishment of Mindfulness

Examining the mind

Does the mind have parts? Insight into the Buddhist theory of the mind and mental…

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White Tara Winter Retreat 2010-11

Motivation and our dignity

Examining how to relate to institutions and authority in a clear, honest, and constructive way,…

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White Tara Winter Retreat 2010-11

Motivation and karma

Setting the proper motivation is not just for meditation sessions but for activities between sessions…

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White Tara Winter Retreat 2010-11

Life force and the four elements

Questions and answers regarding "life force" and the "four elements" in the Tara sadhana.

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White Tara Winter Retreat 2010-11

Bodhicitta motivation

The bodhicitta motivation is crucial to our practice. Self-centered thinking limits us and holds us…

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White Tara Winter Retreat 2010-11

Taking refuge

What does it mean to take refuge in the Three Jewels, and why we do…

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White Tara Winter Retreat 2010-11

Who is White Tara?

As an introduction to retreat, an explanation of who White Tara is and what she…

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