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White Tara Winter Retreat 2010-11

Compassion from Tara

How to imagine White Tara's appearance and think about her qualities during the sadhana practice.

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Buddhist Worldview

The benefits of change

Impermanence gives us the opportunity to work with our minds and create beneficial change.

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White Tara Winter Retreat 2010-11

Purification and merit

How we use our life to create the causes for our future experience and the…

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White Tara Winter Retreat 2010-11

Untimely death

How practicing the White Tara sadhana can purify negativities that can cause untimely death.

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White Tara Winter Retreat 2010-11

Immeasurable joy and equanimity

The importance of cultivating equal care and concern for everybody and rejoicing in the good…

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White Tara Winter Retreat 2010-11

Immeasurable compassion

We have the option of holding on to our anger. Compassion and forgiveness are about…

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White Tara Winter Retreat 2010-11

Benefits of reciting verses

The benefits of reciting mantra and prayers, and how the recitations should be done.

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White Tara Winter Retreat 2010-11

Immeasurable love

How love, which is the wish for all sentient beings to have happiness and its…

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