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Middle Way Philosophy

Varieties of Madhyamaka

How Madhyamaka addresses the reality that we suffer needlessly because of a mistaken world view.…

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Shantideva on the Establishments of Mindfulness

Emptiness of the body

The subtle understanding of the four establishments of mindfulness as taught by Shantideva, beginning with…

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The Eight Dangers

Importance of the Buddhist worldview

The importance of the view of rebirth and karma at the beginning of the path…

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The Eight Dangers

The dangers of absolutism and nihilism

The wrong views of nihilism and absolutism and how they affect our ethical conduct.

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The Eight Dangers

The thieves of wrong views

Wrong views are like thieves that steal our virtue. Not believing that our actions have…

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The Eight Dangers

Rejoicing in the happiness of others

Rejoicing in the good fortune and excellence of others relieves our minds of envy and…

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The Eight Dangers

The snake of jealousy

Unable to bear the good fortune of others, we experience jealousy, which causes pain and…

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The Eight Dangers

Cultivating respect for karma

Not having a correct understanding of cause and effect leads to ignorance that our actions…

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The Eight Dangers

The elephant of ignorance

Intoxication with sense pleasures causes us to be unaware of the results of our actions.

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The Eight Dangers

Working with the angry mind

Motivated by anger, we do many harmful actions that only bring suffering. The main cause…

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The Eight Dangers

The fire of anger

Anger arises from inappropriate attention on an object—interpreting things inaccurately and creating stories that don't…

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