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The Eight Dangers

The chain of miserliness

We need to develop a realistic view of just what our situation is—bound in cyclic…

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Middle Way Philosophy

Diversity and tolerance

When we examine the diversity of Madhyamaka views within Tibetan Buddhism, we are also considering…

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Middle Way Philosophy

Discussion on Madhyamaka philosophies

Questions and discussion from the retreatants on the topics from the Varieties of Madhyamaka retreat.

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Middle Way Philosophy


Comparing Dzogchen with Madyamaka. Similarities and differences between the Gelug and Nyingma.

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Middle Way Philosophy


Discussing how non-Gelug schools have not written as extensively about their views as the Gelug…

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Middle Way Philosophy


The benefits of studying religious systems other than our own and what to do when…

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Middle Way Philosophy


Jonang: the philosophical school that believes Buddha nature exists right now in ordinary beings, nothing…

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Middle Way Philosophy

Practical applications of studying philosophies

A question-and-answer session with the retreatants about the teachings on Tibetan Madhyamaka.

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Middle Way Philosophy


The life of Je Tsongkhapa, the founder of the Gelugpa lineage, and how he came…

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