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Exploring Monastic Life 2011

The purpose of Sravasti Abbey

The purpose of the monastic sangha and the story behind the founding of Sravasti Abbey.

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Exploring Monastic Life 2011

The Buddha’s life: The four sights

An illustration of how to practice and how it relates to our lives. How different…

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Grounds and Paths

Hearer’s path of preparation, seeing, and medi...

The demarcation point for entering each path, how to develop each path, and what afflictions…

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The heart of forgiveness

What forgiveness is and practical advice on how to cultivate it.

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Grounds and Paths

Hearer’s path of accumulation

How the hearer enters the path of accumulation through developing the determination to be free…

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Dharma in Daily Life

Conceptual Minds and Mind Training

Two strategies for working with the mind that conceptualizes based on raw sensory data.

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Grounds and Paths

Fundamental Vehicle grounds and paths

An explanation of the hearer's grounds and paths, including which afflictions or fetters need to…

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Grounds and Paths

Explanation of the middle way view

Examining the middle way view using the four-fold negation explained in Nagarjuna's introductory verse.

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Karma and Your Life

Miscarriages and karma

Sometimes a baby is stillborn. The grief of the parents often is very deep. An…

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Grounds and Paths

Commentary on the author’s introduction

Explanation of the author's homage and introduction of the text. What Dharma practice means and…

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Grounds and Paths

Fundamental and Universal Vehicles

The differences between the Fundamental and Universal Vehicles, and a background to the root text.

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Grounds and Paths

Benefits of studying the grounds and paths

The motivations of different levels of spiritual practitioners, and why it is beneficial to study…

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