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Trip to Singapore and Dharamsala

After being away for nearly six weeks, Venerable Thubten Chodron recounts her time teaching in…

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Grounds and Paths

Far-reaching joyous effort

The benefits of joyous effort, the importance of joyous effort on making progress on the…

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Grounds and Paths

Far-reaching fortitude

The types of patience and how to develop patience, how to use patience to work…

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Grounds and Paths

Far-reaching ethical conduct

The three types of ethical conduct and four ways in which ethical errors occur and…

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Shantideva Teachings in Singapore

Chapter 6: Verses 10-12

How we can transform the difficulties into the path to awakening and maintain a happy…

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Grounds and Paths

Far-reaching generosity

Why generosity is the first of the six far-reaching practices and the reason for their…

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Grounds and Paths

Bodhisattva aryas’ grounds

A commentaty of the bodhisattva aryas' grounds and the difference between the wisdom of bodhisattvas…

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Grounds and Paths

Mahayana path of preparation

Explanation of the four divisions of the path of preparation and how a practitioner progresses…

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How Rebirth Works

Rebirth and impermanence

What exactly is it that goes from life to life? How is it that everyone…

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How Rebirth Works

Some questions on rebirth

Responses to questions about rebirth from participants of the SAFE (Sravasti Abbey Friends Education) program.

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