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Vajrasattva Winter Retreat 2011-12

Confidence in purification

Developing confidence in purification can be achieved by relying on the Buddhas, our teachers, and…

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Vajrasattva Winter Retreat 2011-12

A vast perspective

By broadening our perspective and seeing our great potential, we can begin to transform the…

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Vajrasattva Winter Retreat 2011-12

Being a friend to yourself

How learning to care deeply for ourselves naturally leads to the wish to benefit and…

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Vajrasattva Winter Retreat 2011-12

Retreat motivation

It is in understanding our situation in samsara that we develop our motivation for awakening.

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Vajrasattva Winter Retreat 2011-12

Introduction to Vajrasattva retreat

Preliminary instructions for retreat including working with the mind, caring for the body, mindfulness of…

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Vajrasattva Winter Retreat 2011-12

Making friends with ourselves

Dropping the negative identities we create for ourselves and learning to embrace and appreciate our…

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Grounds and Paths

Divisions of bodhisattva grounds

An explanation of the ten bodhisattva grounds and how to differentiate between them.

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Grounds and Paths

Far-reaching meditative stabilization and wisdom

Explanation of the far-reaching practices of meditative stabilization and wisdom.

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