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Vajrasattva Winter Retreat 2011-12

Purifying lying and divisive speech

Exploring the non-virtues of lying and divisive speech and the mixed messages we get from…

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Vajrasattva Winter Retreat 2011-12

Purifying non-virtue: Karmic results

Purifying sexual misconduct and investigating the karmic results of the non-virtues of body.

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Bodhisattva Ethical Restraints

Bodhisattva ethical restraints: Vows 15-17

Dharma bliss and where the seed syllable meditation fits into our Dharma practice. Bodhisattva precepts…

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Vajrasattva Winter Retreat 2011-12

Purifying non-virtue: Killing and stealing

Presentation of the four branches of complete karmic actions, beginning with two non-virtues of the…

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Vajrasattva Winter Retreat 2011-12

The four opponent powers in daily life

Using the four opponent powers to purify negative actions during daily activities.

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Bodhisattva Ethical Restraints

Bodhisattva ethical restraints: Vows 12-14

A reminder of the preciousness of the opportunity to do retreat followed by a continuation…

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Bodhisattva Ethical Restraints

Bodhisattva ethical restraints: Vows 9-11

Explanation of the bodhisattva precepts which concern holding wrong views, demolishing people's habitats, and teaching…

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Vajrasattva Winter Retreat 2011-12

Power of remedial action: The antidote

The third of the four opponent powers, the power of remedial action, is the actual…

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Vajrasattva Winter Retreat 2011-12

Power of regret: Identifying the causes

Beginning to see that all negative actions, the afflictions, and their results arise from causes…

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Bodhisattva Ethical Restraints

Bodhisattva ethical restraints: Vows 6-8

The precepts concerning denying that the Buddha's teachings are truly so, causing monastics to disrobe,…

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