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Vajrasattva New Year's Retreat 2012-13

The power of regret

The Buddhist worldview leads us to generate regret in a new and powerful way.

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Vajrasattva New Year's Retreat 2012-13

Preparing the mind for practice

Exploring the basis upon which we generate refuge and bodhicitta, the first step in the…

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Vajrasattva New Year's Retreat 2012-13

A reliable guide

Exploring the qualities of a Buddha through the four fearlessnesses and ten powers of a…

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Vajrasattva New Year's Retreat 2012-13

Finding refuge in Vajrasattva

Guided Vajrasattva sadhana followed by instruction on how to engage with purification practice.

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Mind and Awareness

Direct perceivers: sense and mental

Importance of noticing how we are directly feeling things versus interpreting our experiences.

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Stages of the Path

The far-reaching practice of wisdom

Explanation of the far-reaching practice of wisdom and how it cultivating it enables us to…

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Trip to India

Venerable Thubten Chodron talks about her trip to India and the precious opportunity to meet…

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Venerable Chodron teaching on video
Healing from Gun Violence

Safety or guns?

Reflections from a Dharma perspective and a call for civic engagement in response to the…

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Healing from Gun Violence

Hope after the Sandy Hook school shooting

Working with difficult emotions and cultivating compassion in response to the shooting at Sandy Hook…

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Stages of the Path

The six far-reaching practices

How the six far-reaching practices work together enabling us to progress on the path.

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Stages of the Path

Developing bodhicitta

Explanation of the meditation on equalizing and exchanging self and others to develop bodhicitta.

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Stages of the Path

Equalizing and exchanging self and other

Explanation of equalizing and exchanging self and others as well as a special meditation on…

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