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Mind and Awareness

Yogic direct perceiver

Importance of study, logic, along with meditation, to see how things exist and how they…

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Making Offerings

How to set up an altar

The first of three talks about how to set up an altar at home explains…

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Eight white birds fly in a single file formation in the sky.
Healing from Gun Violence

Compassion and social engagement

How one can be fully engaged supporting a cause one believes in, yet keep a…

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Eight white birds fly in a single file formation in the sky.
Healing from Gun Violence

A letter from a listener

A listener and student expresses his view on the current gun situation in America.

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Eight white birds fly in a single file formation in the sky.
Healing from Gun Violence

Can a gun really protect you?

Can a gun kept at home protect one? Statistics and testimonies related to gun ownership.

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Eight white birds fly in a single file formation in the sky.
Healing from Gun Violence

Faith leaders united against gun violence

A four-part series of talks based on shocking statistics and testimonies against gun violence in…

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Mind and Awareness

Apperceptive direct perceiver

Description of that mind which is non-dual with the consciousness that sees the object.

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Mind and Awareness

Analysis of sense perception versus thought

Importance of experiencing our sensations to understand what we truly feel but how we actually…

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Vajrasattva New Year's Retreat 2012-13

Purification and emptiness

By complementing purification practice with the meditation on emptiness, we can work to eradicate our…

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Vajrasattva New Year's Retreat 2012-13

The power of determination

Concluding the Vajrasattva practice with the determination not to repeat negative actions gives us the…

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Vajrasattva New Year's Retreat 2012-13

The power of remedial action

Description of the different visualizations in the Vajrasattva practice that purify our negativities.

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Vajrasattva New Year's Retreat 2012-13

Purifying through Vajrasattva

Under the guidance of Vajrasattva, we can begin to purify the non-virtues, afflictions, and broken…

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