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Four Establishments of Mindfulness Retreat

Mindfulness and lamrim meditation

How the four establishments of mindfulness practice fits with the Stages of the Path to…

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Four Establishments of Mindfulness Retreat

Three types of dukkha

The three types of dukkha and its causes, how to generate renunciation, and methods for…

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Four Establishments of Mindfulness Retreat

Motivation for practicing Dharma

Fitting the four establishments of mindfulness practices into the framework of the lamrim as well…

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Mind and Awareness

Facsimile direct perceiver and inferential cognizers

Summary of different types of conceptual consciousness and introduction to inferential cognizer.

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Making Offerings

Taking down offerings

The third of three talks about how to set up an altar at home covers…

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Practicing Democracy

Cultivating social harmony

On our responsibility to cultivate positive qualities within ourselves in order to experience them in…

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Western Monastics

Chinese bhikshunis visit Sravasti Abbey

A question-and-answer session with Chinese bhikshunis who visited the Abbey to help conduct the ordination…

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Making Offerings

Water bowl offering

The second of three talks about how to set up an altar at home covers…

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