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Essential Spiritual Advice

How to listen to the Dharma

What the right attitudes are when listening to the Dharma and questions that will set…

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The true meaning of forgiveness

Clarifying the meaning of forgiveness and how it allows us to cultivate compassion in difficult…

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Mind and Awareness


Teachings on the consciousness of the mind that triggers doubt.

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Working with Emotions

Conventional and ultimate recovery

Therapy, as in a 12-step program, can bring about conventional healing, while Dharma practice brings…

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Working with Emotions

Visualization and purification

We need a combination of the awakening activities of the Buddhas and our own effort…

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Buddhist Reasoning and Debate

Is what we think true?

Debating with our crazy minds and an explanation of the use of syllogisms.

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Working with Emotions

Re-writing the 12 steps, 8-12

Finishing up re-writing the 12 steps, how purification and confession fit in, and getting in…

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Working with Emotions

Re-writing the 12 steps, 1-7

How to rely on refuge in the Three Jewels, our inner wisdom and compassion, and…

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Mind and Awareness

Inattentive perceivers

Teachings on the type of consciousness that is not ascertaining the objects that appear, and…

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Working with Emotions

Making requests and self-reliance

We request the Buddha's for inspiration along the path, but we must do the work…

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Working with Emotions

Making our minds receptive to the Dharma

Prayer in Buddhism is a collaborative effort. What we are doing when asking the Buddhas…

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