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Aryadeva's 400 Stanzas

Review of Chapter 7: Counteracting desire

Venerable Thubten Chonyi draws from Aryadeva's text as well as other sources to examine and…

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Aryadeva's 400 Stanzas

Chapter 7: Abandoning attachment to sense objects

Why our attachment to samsara is completely inappropriate, and how giving it up will bring…

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Aryadeva's 400 Stanzas

Chapters 6-7: Verses 150-152

An explanation of emptiness of the mind, emptiness of afflictions, and managing manifest afflictions as…

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Aryadeva's 400 Stanzas

Chapter 6: Verses 144-149

The disadvantages of anger and the advantages of practicing fortitude when faced with difficulties.

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Chenrezig Weeklong Retreat 2013

Giving up clinging to this life

Thinking about the reality of impermanence and death helps us let go of our strong…

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Chenrezig Weeklong Retreat 2013

Untainted meditation

Meditation is needed to overcome afflictions, but it can easily become tainted by mundane concerns.

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Wooden Kuan Yin statue on a pedestal with an aura of light around it.
Chenrezig Weeklong Retreat 2013

Offering the universe

Offering the mandala (everything wonderful in the universe) to Chenrezig and requesting inspiration and blessings.

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Wooden Kuan Yin statue on a pedestal with an aura of light around it.
Chenrezig Weeklong Retreat 2013

Branches of increasing merit

We can make our merit flourish by rejoicing in others' merit and perfectly dedicating it…

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Chenrezig Weeklong Retreat 2013

Hearing, thinking, meditating

Hearing, thinking about, and meditating on the Dharma to overcome the four clingings.

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