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Four Truths for the Aryas

Ethics and right livelihood

A response to a student's question on what to do if one's loved ones are…

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Vajrasattva Winter Retreat 2014

The mark of a successful life

Shows the different criteria that influence one's choice of profession and activities.

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Aryadeva's 400 Stanzas

Chapter 8: Self and emptiness

A discussion session that touches on the self-centered thought, how self-grasping ignorance produced afflictions, and…

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Vajrasattva Winter Retreat 2014

Tobacco, firearms and food

Shares a New York Times opinion piece by Mark Bittman, and encourages us to reflect…

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Vajrasattva Winter Retreat 2014

How renunciation brings happiness

Shares a message from Lama Zopa Rinpoche to the International Mahayana Institute sangha, and speaks…

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Vajrasattva Winter Retreat 2014

Responding to pleasant feelings

Discusses how to respond to pleasant feelings without attachment but with the wish to give…

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Aryadeva's 400 Stanzas

Chapter 8: Verses 195-196

How to meditate on emptiness, and the importance of reflection and meditation on the teachings.

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Vajrasattva Winter Retreat 2014

Transforming unpleasant feelings

Discusses the difference between unpleasant feelings that arise from virtuous versus non-virtuous minds. Using wisdom…

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Vajrasattva Winter Retreat 2014

The Five Dhyani Buddhas

Responds to a question on the symbolism of the Five Dhyani Buddhas in the purification…

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Vajrasattva Winter Retreat 2014

Life support or not?

Responds to a question about going on life support, which prolongs life by artificial means.

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Aryadeva's 400 Stanzas

Chapter 8: Verses 192-194

The different ways the Buddha presented the teachings according to the disposition of the disciples.

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Vajrasattva Winter Retreat 2014

Dealing with spirits and sickness

Responds to a question on how the Vajrasattva practice helps us to purify harm from…

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