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Aryadeva's 400 Stanzas

Chapter 12: Refuting wrong views

Cultivating the qualities of a proper student to receive the teachings on the correct view…

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Gems of Wisdom

Verse 47: The great fault

Investigating how our self-centered thought is at the heart of our suffering.

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Exploring Monastic Life 2014

Purpose of precepts

How the monks' and nuns' vows were created by the Buddha to create harmony in…

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Gems of Wisdom

Verse 46: The competitor disliked by all

The negative impact we have on our relationships when we are puffed up with pride…

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Exploring Monastic Life 2014

Ordination lineages

How ordination is different in the three living Buddhist traditions, and why the path to…

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Don't Believe Everything You Think

Squashing our ego

If we have confidence in our good qualities, it will not matter what others say…

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Exploring Monastic Life 2014

Establishing precepts

The sometimes unusual origin stories of the monastic precepts help to explain the practical meanings,…

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Gems of Wisdom

Verse 45: The mule

Extolling our own good qualities only makes us look foolish in the eyes of others.

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Exploring Monastic Life 2014

Self-confidence across monastic cultures

How monastics relate to money and idle talk, the rules governing nuns, and self-confidence for…

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Easy Path to Travel to Omniscience

Nine-point death meditation

Meditating on death to make life more meaningful and the two meditations to use: the…

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Exploring Monastic Life 2014

After the Buddha awakened

Creating a solid motivation for ordaining, how the Buddha taught every type of person, and…

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