thought transformation

Teachings on lojong or thought training techniques to train the mind to turn difficult circumstances into opportunities for spiritual growth and awakening.

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Working with Emotions

Liberation from the eight dangers: Verses 4-8

Eight mental and emotional afflictions and the antidotes to subdue them. The last four verses…

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Working with Emotions

Liberation from the eight dangers: Verses 1-3

Eight mental and emotional afflictions and the antidotes to subdue them. The first three verses…

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Wheel of Sharp Weapons

Ethical conduct and emptiness

An explanation of right livelihood, dangers of bragging about our qualities, and the importance of…

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Wheel of Sharp Weapons

The importance of motivation

Why wrong views are stifling to our practice, the importance of maintaining our health to…

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Wheel of Sharp Weapons

Meaningful Dharma practice

What makes a bad companion, the importance of respecting Dharma objects, enduring hardships for the…

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Wheel of Sharp Weapons

Striking at the vital point

Why deities have wrathful forms, the practice of tonglen, and our obligation to help those…

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A group of young coworkers sitting around a table, working.
Workplace Wisdom

Bringing harmony to the workplace

How to integrate the Dharma into our work lives by setting a good motivation, being…

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An Abbey guest turning prayer wheels at Chenrezig Hall.
On Taking Illness Onto the Path

Opening new doors of opportunity

A knee injury prevents a student from playing sports, but he comes to see it…

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Thought Training

Transforming the Complaining Mind

Venerable Chodron shows us how to change our thought using a personal example.

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Buddhist Reasoning and Debate

Is what we think true?

Debating with our crazy minds and an explanation of the use of syllogisms.

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Working with Emotions

Making requests and self-reliance

We request the Buddha's for inspiration along the path, but we must do the work…

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