Samsara, Nirvana, and Buddha Nature (2021–23)

Teachings on volume three of The Library of Wisdom and Compassion co-authored with His Holiness the Dalai Lama, on our present situation and our highest potential.

Excellent qualities can be cultivated limitlessly

Continuing teaching from Chapter 12, explaining how it it is possible to develop positive mental states limitlessly and why afflictive mental states are not in…

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Equality of samsara and nirvana

Completing teaching from Chapter 12, explaining various meanings of "equality of samsara and nirvana" and how clear light mind is understood according to sutra and…

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Buddhahood depends on sentient beings

Reviewing Chapter 12, "The Mind and Its Potential", describing how Buddhas depends on sentient beings and how we can treasure sentient beings because of this

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The purity of the mind

Reviewing Chapter 12, "The Mind and Its Potential", describing the nature of the mind and how it is possible to overcome the afflictions.

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Afflictions are weak

Continuing the review of Chapter 12, "Mind and Its Potential", describing how afflictions are not rooted in the nature of the mind and can be…

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The four maras

Continuing the review of Chapter 12, "The Mind and Its Potential," describing the four maras.

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The Buddha’s omniscient mind

Continuing the review of the Chapter 12, "The Mind and Its Potential", describing how Buddhas perceive conventional truth and ultimate truth simultaneously

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Is liberation possible?

Exploring the question, "Is Liberation Possible?", continuing the review of Chapter 12, "The Mind and Its Potential"

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Subtlest clear light mind

Describing the meaning of the subtlest clear light mind, and how this is the basis of the mind's ability to develop positive qualities infinitely, continuing…

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Afflictions are the enemy

Explaining the reason how it is possible to cultivate powerful antidotes to the afflictions, continuing the review of Chapter 12, "Mind and Its Potential"

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Understanding ignorance

Explaining how afflictions are rooted in ignorance and how we can eradicate ignorance, continuing the review of Chapter 12, "Mind and Its Potential"

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Nature of the mind

Explaining how the nature of the mind is free from pollutants, such that good qualities can be developed limitlessly, while afflictions can be eradicated through…

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