Search results for “second noble truth

Refuge in the Three Jewels

The concept of refuge

A short teaching on what refuge means, why we take refuge and what we're taking…

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The face of a Buddha
Buddhist Worldview

The four seals of Buddhism

The four seals—the four basic principles shared by all Buddhists—determine whether a given doctrine is…

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On Mindfulness

Mindfulness, contentment, and ABBA

Happiness is an inside job. One can cultivate happiness no matter the circumstances of our…

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The back view of a woman stretch her hand trying to catch light in front of her.
Karma and Your Life

Working with karma

How we create karma and what we can do to create the causes for happiness…

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Teachings by Khensur Wangdak Rinpoche

Four opponent powers

How to apply four powers for generating regret for the negative actions in order to…

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Colorful statue of Maitreya against blue sky in Ladakh.
A Presentation of the Establishment of Mindfulness

A Presentation of the Establishment of Mindfulness

Gyalwa Chokyi Gyaltsen describes the necessary factors to analyze the mind and describes the meditation…

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Group photo of sangha in theravada bhikshuni ordination in sravasti abbbey.
Theravada Tradition

Bhikkhunīs in Theravāda

Tracing the valid­ity of bhikkhunī ordin­a­tion within the Theravāda tradition, events through time and space,…

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Stages of the Path in the Guru Puja

Six perfections and three higher trainings

What makes the three higher trainings higher--rather than just ordinary--is the long-term motivation of attaining…

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Venerable Samten with eyes closed while two nuns shave her head.
Western Monastics

Why we need monasticism

Monastics as a bridge between the ancient teachings and the modern world.

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