Theravada Tradition

The situation of bhikshunis in the Theravada tradition.

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Statues of bhikkhunīs facing Mahāpajāpatī Gotamī Wat Thepthidaram, Bangkok
Theravada Tradition

The controversy on bhikkhunī ordination

A detailed look at the arguments for and against the revival of bhikkhunī ordination in…

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Theravada Tradition

Spiritual liberation

A community of Buddhist nuns, the Order of Siladhara, provides opportunity for women seeking the…

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Cropped cover of "The Legality of Bhikkhuni Ordination" showing Bhikkhuni Sanghamitra with Bodhi Trree.
Theravada Tradition

The legality of bhikkhunī ordination

Looking at the legal issues surrounding the revival of full ordination for nuns.

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A hand lighting a white candle.
Theravada Tradition

The five points

Taken from "Where We Are Now," a letter by Elders' Council of the Forest Sangha,…

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Group photo of sangha in theravada bhikshuni ordination in sravasti abbbey.
Theravada Tradition

Bhikkhunīs in Theravāda

Tracing the valid­ity of bhikkhunī ordin­a­tion within the Theravāda tradition, events through time and space,…

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Ven. Yeshe and other nuns in a Buddhist Monastic Gathering.
Theravada Tradition

Ordination of nuns by monks

Scriptural references in the Pali canon on the bhikshuni ordination procedure.

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A group of young novice Buddhist nuns in prayer.
Theravada Tradition

The revival of bhikkhunī ordination in the Theravāda...

Legal and moral issues involved in the revival of the Theravāda Bhikkhunī Sangha.

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Sri Lankan Buddhist nuns making offerings of flowers at a stupa.
Theravada Tradition

The Bhikshuni Order in Theravada Sri Lanka

Relevance and importance of Bhikshunis for Buddhadharma and society.

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Ven. Samten, Ven. Tarpa and Ven. Jigme smiling happily.
Theravada Tradition

Ordination: Sakyadhita’s heritage from the Buddha

A look at the importance of and challenges to keeping the Bhikshuni ordination alive.

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