
Teachings on death from a Buddhist perspective, including preparing for death, dying peacefully, and helping the dying.

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The Eight Dangers

The flood of attachment

Attachment and craving cause us to create non-virtue in this life and also propel us…

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Colorful pattern of a kaleidescope.
Helping the Dying and Deceased

Kaleidescope wheel

When a life ends, where does the person go? Was the person ever there to…

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White Tara Winter Retreat 2010-11

Freedom through imagination

How to imagine the light and nectar flowing from Tara as purifying negative karma, sickness…

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White Tara Winter Retreat 2010-11

Purification and merit

How we use our life to create the causes for our future experience and the…

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Thangka image of Vajrasattva.
Vajrasattva New Year's Retreat 2010-11

Generating regret

Teachings from Shantideva's text continue with ways to generate regret, through the contemplation of death…

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Thangka image of Vajrasattva.
Vajrasattva New Year's Retreat 2010-11

Purifying heavy karma

Purifying karma created in relation to special objects such as the Three Jewels, spiritual mentors,…

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White Tara Winter Retreat 2010-11

Untimely death

How practicing the White Tara sadhana can purify negativities that can cause untimely death.

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Teachings by Khensur Wangdak Rinpoche

Generating regret

Need to deep regret for the negative actions committed, reviewing the details, without delays by…

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By Prison Volunteers

Dedication for a meaningful life

This talk is dedicated to the purpose and meaning of the life of Don Wackerly…

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