Prison Dharma

People in prison and volunteers who work in prisons reflect on how to apply the Dharma in prison settings and beyond.

Prison Outreach Program

It all began with one man in prison writing a letter to Venerable Thubten Chodron. Today, Sravasti Abbey sends a quarterly newsletter, Dharma books, DVDs of teachings, and prayer beads to thousands of people in prison.

Here, you’ll find reflections by Venerable Thubten Chodron, other prison volunteers, and people in prison themselves on what it’s like to practice the Dharma in prison.

You can support our prison outreach program by making a donation to Sravasti Abbey here. Be sure to indicate “Prison Dharma Program” in the comments box. Your contribution helps to produce Dharma materials and supports the postage to send them.

For a listing of films related to Buddhism in correctional facilities see Vipassana Meditation for Correctional Facilities.


A small bird emerges from a hole in a bird house.

By Incarcerated People

Reflections, essays, and poems by people in prison about their Dharma practice.

A black and white butterfly rests on the edge of a doorframe.

By Prison Volunteers

Volunteers reflect on what they have learned from sharing the Dharma with people in prison.


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Worthwhile people

In the Beginning Buddhism class in Spokane, Abbey monastics are reading and sharing from Venerable…

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The coffee pot: A test of my tolerance

Here, at the prison where I live, everyone dreads the coffee pot. Unlike a majority…

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Reflection on life

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Gathas for daily life

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Dealing with difficult changes

A woman in prison uses a mind training prompt to deal with a difficult situation.

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Silhouette of Gyatso in front of an icy fence in winter.
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