Healing Anger

Learn antidotes to anger, such as compassion and fortitude, and how to apply them to cool the heat of anger.

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Dealing with Anger (Tricycle 2006)

Telephone teachings on anger for Tricycle Magazine given May 10–31, 2006.

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A tree with knobs that look like two eyes and a mouth.

Disarming the Mind Retreat (Italy 2017)

Teachings given during a retreat on “Disarming the Mind: Working with Anger for a Happier Life” at the Istituto Lama Tzong Khapa in Pomaia, Italy.

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A wooden sign on a post reads "fortitude" with a bush behind it.

Working with Anger and Developing Fortitude (Mexico 2015)

Teachings on chapter six of Shantideva’s Engaging in the Bodhisattva’s Deeds given at various venues in Mexico in April 2015. With consecutive translation into Spanish.

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All Posts in Healing Anger

Healing Anger

Working with anger

A discussion about anger from a Buddhist perspective, addressing difficult subjects.

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Healing Anger

Working with anger, part 1

An explanation of the Buddhist view of anger and how to work with it.

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Healing Anger

Healing from the heart

The restorative justice movement shows it's possible to let go of anger and develop compassion…

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Healing Anger

Working with anger

Practical advice on working with anger in personal relationships and dealing with criticism.

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Venerable teaching in front of large Buddha statue.
Healing Anger

“Samsara, Nirvana and Buddha Nature”: An...

Anger is one of the afflictions causing us to revolve in samsara. A commentary on…

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Healing Anger

Overcoming jealousy

How jealousy causes emotional pain and problems in relationships. Applying antidotes to overcome jealousy and…

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Healing Anger

Working with anger in daily life

Recognizing the harmfulness of anger. Training the mind to see situations in a different way…

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Person's finger pushing a button in an elevator.
Healing Anger

Getting rid of my buttons

Wrong conceptions lie at the root of many of the problems we encounter in dealing…

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Venerable making a hand gesture while teaching.
Healing Anger

My favorite pastime is complaining

The origins of complaining. How to reflect on the kindness of others to counteract the…

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