Mahamudra in India and Tibet

A talk given during a weekend course on Mahamudra at Sravasti Abbey.

  • The appeal of Mahamudra in the West
  • Genealogy of the term “Mahamudra” in India and Tibet
  • Mahamudra in Tibetan tantras
  • Core Mahamudra texts
  • Mahamudra in the second transmission of the Dharma to Tibet
  • The evolution of Mahamudra in the Kagyu tradition
  • Sakya Pandita’s critque of Mahamudra teachings

Dr. Roger Jackson

Dr. Roger Jackson (Wesleyan, B.A.; Wisconsin, M.A., Ph.D.), 1983-84, 1989-, teaches the religions of South Asia and Tibet. His special interests include Indian and Tibetan Buddhist philosophy, meditation, and ritual; Buddhist religious poetry; religion and society in Sri Lanka; the study of mysticism; and contemporary Buddhist thought. He is author of "Is Enlightenment Possible?" (1993) and "Tantric Treasures" (2004), co-author of "The Wheel of Time: Kalachakra in Context" (1985), editor of "The Crystal Mirror of Philosophical Systems" (2009), co-editor of "Tibetan Literature: Studies in Genre" (1996), "Buddhist Theology" (1999), and "Mahamudra and the Bka'brgyud Tradition" (2011), and has published many articles and reviews. He is a past editor of the Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies, and is currently co-editor of the Indian International Journal of Buddhist Studies. (Bio and photo courtesy of Carleton College).
