Sravasti Grove

By Michael

Michael is part of our prison outreach program. Here he expresses his gratitude for having met the Dharma through Sravasti Abbey.

Beyond the mesmerizing facade
of samsara’s effervescent show
is the equanimous mind—undefiled
in the Lord Buddha’s luminescent glow.

Upon these silent shores of refuge
is the iridescent lotus of renunciation and peace
where the tempests of the monkey-mind
vanish into nothingness and cease.

The traditions of Thubten—The Able One’s Teachings
create a crystalline sound
within the iridescent Light of Chodron
the Lamp of Dharma is found.

The view of dependent arising and nonviolence
with fathomless compassion is taught and explained
within this purity of no beginning or end
the essence of peace and joy is attained.

Where an infinity of propitiousness
like the Ganges does flow
from the love of spiritual masters
covering all like a blanket of snow

Here where buddha nature becomes reality
and wisdom and compassion are unified as one
countless Tathagata’s emanations dwell
within the rising of the Dharma sun.

I dedicate this merit to all sentient beings and especially Sravasti Abbey, that their deeds and Dharma may bring them a glory of eternal bliss and infinite propitiousness.

Incarcerated people

Many incarcerated people from all over the United States correspond with Venerable Thubten Chodron and monastics from Sravasti Abbey. They offer great insights into how they are applying the Dharma and striving to be of benefit to themselves and others in even the most difficult of situations.