Becoming humble

By B. T.

The words: What does Humility require?, written on a wall.
I understand that by practicing humility I will gain a sense of peace, but what exactly is humility? (Photo by Gary A. K.)

I understand that by practicing humility I will gain a sense of peace, but what exactly is humility? For so long I have related humility with humiliation. Often it is hard to admit when I am wrong; it is difficult for me to allow things to be as they are without trying to be in control constantly.

I look at the world and I see myself as the center of it. I function as if I am separate from all the other players. We are all in the script, but I have the lead role. Of course, it is my ego that makes me the star, and it is my ego that keeps me from becoming humble. So, I have to check my ego. I have to understand that my opinions, ideas and beliefs are not the same as the next person’s. I also have to admit that those same opinions, ideas and beliefs can be wrong at times, probably more often than I realize. When I am wrong, I must be willing to admit it. By admitting my error and sincerely apologizing for it, I grow. Instead of alienating myself from others, I connect with them. I become more open-minded.

Of course, sometimes I am right. Sometimes I know best. At those times, it is also important for me to check my self-centered mind. At those times, I may feel justified in my arrogance. When I am wrong and still argue a point, I look fairly stupid. When I am right and try to push my view onto others, I just look like an asshole!

All of this relates to my need to feel important. I want the outside world to understand that “I get it.” At the same time, I am reinforcing that within myself. In reality, sometimes I do get it, and sometimes I don’t have a clue. Sometimes I’m right, and sometimes I need to apologize. When I do apologize, for whatever transgression that I may have committed, it opens me up. It feels good. There is a sense of peace that comes with it. That is more important, more special to me than my ego.

Incarcerated people

Many incarcerated people from all over the United States correspond with Venerable Thubten Chodron and monastics from Sravasti Abbey. They offer great insights into how they are applying the Dharma and striving to be of benefit to themselves and others in even the most difficult of situations.